4 Reasons Why It’s Important To Replace Missing Teeth

Tooth loss is one of the most common dental problems in adults, with over 10% of Canadian seniors having no natural teeth left. However, tooth loss isn’t a normal part of aging; in most cases, it’s preventable. Routine dental cleanings and exams can address the root causes of tooth loss, including tooth decay and periodontitis (gum disease), leading to strong and healthy teeth for life.

Should you replace missing teeth

Even if you’ve already lost one or more teeth, there are options available to restore your smile. Modern dental technology allows people of all ages to replace missing teeth with a permanent restoration that looks, functions, and feels exactly like their natural teeth. With a variety of options, such as dental implants, full or partial dentures, and dental bridges, we can create a unique solution to meet your needs. Not only do dental restorations improve your appearance, but they also prevent multiple long-term problems associated with tooth loss. 

Failing to replace lost teeth as soon as possible can lead to further aesthetic and dental issues. Below, we’ll explain why replacing missing teeth is essential to maintaining your oral health – and your overall health:

1. Prevent Bone Loss & Unwanted Facial Changes

Healing after tooth loss isn’t as simple as waiting for the gums to close over the tooth socket. While this is the first stage of healing, oral tissues continue to respond and adapt to tooth loss for months – or even years – after a tooth falls out (or is removed by a dentist). Without frequent stimulation from chewing and biting, the tissues around the missing tooth start to atrophy. As the jaw bone deteriorates, material from it is absorbed and redistributed throughout the body. This process, which is known as resorption, causes the jaw to shrink. Left uncorrected, resorption can change your facial structure and create areas of loose skin, resulting in a prematurely aged, haggard appearance. 

Dental implants prevent bone resorption by integrating with the jaw bone, ensuring it’s stimulated by chewing even after you’ve lost one (or more) of your natural teeth. For best results, have dental implants placed within several months of losing your teeth (before resorption begins).

2. Maintain an Even Bite

Another common consequence of tooth loss is changes in the shape, position, and health of remaining adjacent teeth. When a tooth is lost, the surrounding teeth often shift to fill in the gap, causing changes to your bite that may negatively affect the ability to chew and speak clearly. Bite misalignment can also cause teeth to wear due to uneven distribution of pressure on the teeth, increasing the risk of damage and decay. In some cases, it even affects the jaw joint, leading to TMJ pain.

A missing tooth can cause surrounding teeth to shift in its place

By replacing missing teeth with dental implants, you’ll prevent your remaining teeth from shifting, ensuring your bite remains even. Read our article on the importance of correcting your bite for more information.

3. Retain Functionality

Missing teeth can impact your overall health by reducing your food choices, resulting in poorer nutrition. Chewing problems and digestive issues are especially likely when one or more back molars are missing, as these teeth play an essential role in breaking food down into small, digestible pieces. Likewise, chewing with the front teeth can lead to further dental deterioration, as incisor teeth are not strong enough to grind down tough foods. 

Many people also report speech problems after losing teeth. The loss of just one tooth (particularly an incisor) can hinder your ability to pronounce words clearly by changing the flow of air around the teeth. By choosing dental implants, you’ll ensure you can continue to speak fluently and enjoy your favourite foods.

4. Improve Your Appearance

Your smile is one of the first things people notice about you, so it’s normal to feel self-conscious about dental defects. Unfortunately, these feelings of embarrassment can have long-term consequences for your mental health: People with visible missing teeth often experience social anxiety that causes them to miss out on important personal and professional opportunities – or even become isolated in extreme cases. As such, replacing missing teeth with dental implants is one of the best ways to boost your self-esteem and improve your quality of life.

Learn How You Can Replace Missing Teeth With Dental Implants

As one of Mississauga’s leading dental implant specialists, Dr. Oscar Dalmao has the skill and experience required to address even the most challenging cases of tooth loss. Whether you’re missing just one of your teeth or need a full-mouth dental restoration, our caring team of experts can advise you on the best treatment options and help you take the next steps. At our Mississauga dental clinic, the process of getting dental implants is comfortable, convenient, and affordable. To view a full list of all our services,  click here.

To discover how dental implants can restore your smile – and your confidence – contact us today to arrange a no-obligation consultation.